pogahn passage
Ok, i wouldn't post here if there were other options, i've got as far as venta cemetery mission and kodonur crossroads mission.
How come i can't see the npc, whoever he is, in pogahn passage to give me the mission? I've spent the last 2 days finishing every quest off in 11 outposts on the main island, well 3 of the outposts i have to wait for quests to appear i expect till this mission is done.
I've also mastered the 6 mission's i've done just to double check.
Why is there no npc showing?
What is his name?
What quests from consulate docks to pagahn do i need to do. (i've done all the quests, i'm just figuring out why this has happened).
Is this a bug?
(p.s. please don't say check all the quests etc...i'm the type of person who checks every knook and cranny, and their all done. i've visted every outposts several times over.)
Help me please